Max Hp Up

Item Type Plug-in Chip
Chip Type Defense Chip

Max Hp Up is a Plug-in Chip in NieR: Automata. The Max Hp Up Plug-in Chip is a Defense ChipPlug-in Chips are items that you can equip to acquire or customize mostly passive and some active Skills in the game. Primarily, Plug-in Chips provide passive buffs or additional stat bonuses, as well as provide the user with different skills and/or effects. There are five types of Plug-in Chips: AttackDefenseSupportHacking, and System.


Max Hp Up NieR Automata Plug-in Chip Effect

  • Increase maximum HP by X% (2%~100%)


Where to Find the Max Hp Up Plug-in Chip in NieR Automata

  • Obtained as a reward for completing the Side Quest, Gathering Keepsakes.
  • On an Android Body just before the large circular area where you fight Adam in the desert.
  • Dropped by disarmed Small Stubby in the last ground floor room in the first Kingdom Castle building.
  • Easily farmed by the respawning machines in the Kingdom Castle's first building, in the room before the side scroller courtyard with wildlife in the background. To respawn the machines, run all the way to the left of the screen till you reach the collasped rubble, this will spawn machines off-screen in the room to the right. Running to the right and entering the courtyard will also spawn more machines in the same room. These machines only seem to drop Max Hp Up chips.


Max Hp Up Plug-in Chip Upgrades in NieR Automata

Name Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Most Efficient Load
♦ Storage Cost ♦4 ♦5 ♦6 ♦7 ♦9 ♦11 ♦14 ♦17 ♦21 (Number of Chips)x(Level) [Cost]
 Max HP Up 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 50% 80% 100%  1x8 [21]


Max Hp Up Plug-in Chip Notes & Tips

  • Other notes and player tips go here.
  • To farm the Max HP Up chip, you can go to the room in the Kingdom Castle mentioned above and destroy as many enemies as you want. To trigger the respawn of the enemies, just leave the room (you can go until the wall on the left or, right before the entrance to the next build on the right).
  • When farming chips, remember to equip the Drop Rate Up chip.
  • Plug-in Chips can have a Level between 0 and 8 that determines how strong the effect of that chip is. Not all chips have multiple levels.
  • All Plug-in Chips have a Cost that determines how much space they take up when equipped in storage. You can purchase more storage space from merchants so that you can equip more chips.
  • The Cost of a chip can vary, and so lower Cost is desirable because the chip will use less of your storage capacity.
  • Chips have a minimum and maximum Cost that is determined by their type and Rank. Chips with the lowest possible Cost for their Rank are marked with a ♦.
  • Plug-in Chips of the same Type and Rank can be Fused to create a new chip of the same type that is one Rank higher.
  • The Cost of a new chip is calculated from the Costs of the two chips being Fused. Check out the Plug-in Chips Reference Guide for optimal chip fusion if you need help creating ♦ Cost chips.
  • Chips can be Fused to Rank 6 typically and up to Rank 8 at the Canyon Machine after completing her quest.
  • When prompted for the first time she asks for a painless death thinking the androids were sent to kill her, if the player chooses to spare her life, she will give you the side quest Lord of the Valley. After clearing the quest she starts selling and fusing Chips. Canyon Machine can fuse chips up to +8.
  • Plug-in Chips can be purchased, obtained from quests, or acquired from enemy drops. Chips purchased are often a high rank while chips dropped from enemies have a random rank and can sometimes drop ♦ Cost chips.
  • When you die you lose all the chips you had installed. To recover them you must make your way back to your prior body. Failing to do so results in losing the chips.



All Plug-in Chips in NieR: Automata
Anti Chain Damage  ♦  Auto Attack  ♦  Auto-Collect Item  ♦  Auto-Evade  ♦  Auto-Fire  ♦  Auto-Heal  ♦  Auto-Program  ♦  Auto-Use Item  ♦  Auto-Weapon Switch  ♦  Bullet Detonation  ♦  Charge Attack  ♦  Combust  ♦  Continuous Combo  ♦  Counter  ♦  Critical Up  ♦  Damage Absorb  ♦  Deadly-Heal  ♦  Death Rattle  ♦  Down-Attack Up  ♦  Drop Rate Up  ♦  Evade Range Up  ♦  Evasive System  ♦  EXP Gain Up  ♦  Fast Cooldown  ♦  Heal Drops Up  ♦  Hijack Boost  ♦  HUD Control  ♦  HUD Damage Values  ♦  HUD Enemy Data  ♦  HUD EXP Gauge  ♦  HUD Fishing Spots  ♦  HUD HP Gauge  ♦  HUD Mini-map  ♦  HUD Objectives  ♦  HUD Save Points  ♦  HUD Skill Gauge  ♦  HUD Sound Waves  ♦  HUD Text Log  ♦  Item Scan  ♦  Last Stand  ♦  Melee Defense  ♦  Moving Speed Up  ♦  Offensive Heal  ♦  OS Chip  ♦  Overclock  ♦  Ranged Attack Up  ♦  Ranged Defense  ♦  Reset  ♦  Resilience  ♦  Shock Wave  ♦  Stun  ♦  Taunt Up  ♦  Vengeance  ♦  Weapon Attack Up

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    • Anonymous

      You can farm these while on the 1st playtrough, when you're at the quest step saying; head to the forest via the commercial facility.
      At some point you'll reach the Save 'vending machine' called Forest Castle: Front.
      From there you just make your way trough the castle, killing the small bipeds on your way.
      After a short bit you'll be outside of the castle while still on a linear path, continue to the right and kill all small biped spawns there.
      On this route you should be able to farm:
      - Anti chain damage
      - Max HP Up
      - Deadly Heal
      Now here is where it gets interesting. When you go back outside to the left, and make your way back in the castle on the left side.
      For some reason groups of small bipeds just kept spawning there so i just kept killing them, running back and forth to the left room from where they spawn, kill them, run outside to the right, they spawn to the left again, kill them, rince repeat.
      These mobs only seem to drop Max HP Up Chips, so if you want to keep farming Anti Chain and Deadly Heal, run back to the left trough the castle, quicksave whenever possible, load your save and run it again.

      • Anonymous

        you can get as many of +6 max HP up chip (and 2 complex gadgets too) as you want if you haven't finished the quest Gathering Keepsakes yet (the quest is ended when 9S marks a grave for 2B, not when receiving rewards), by using chapter select to soul box you can do this quest again and again.

        • Anonymous

          You can get a +3[7] from the Resistance Disappearance is a Side Quest. I kept loading until getting [7] took less than 10 tries and usually it gives [13]

          • Anonymous

            A good farm spot for these is in the forest castle. There's a room right before you exit the first portion of the castle (right before a long hallway full of enemies) that has neverending enemy spawns as long as you exit and re-enter. For some r they spawn oddly and you have to enter from the left side of the screen followed by the right, hard to explain. The enemies only drop HP up chips other than the typical loot.

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