YoRHa No.9 Type S (9S)

yorha 2S character
Race Android
Sex Male
Japanese Name ヨルハ9号S型
Voice Actor JPN: Natsuki Hanae
ENG: Kyle McCarley

YoRHa No.9 Type S (9S) is a Playable Character in NieR: Automata. YoRHa No.9 Type S is also known as 9s and is first introduced fighting along side YoRHa 2B. As players progress through the game, he becomes the main protagonist if Route B where the game will then switch characters. Like 2B, he is a member of YoRHa, but is an S-type Model that specializes in scanning and investigative purposes. This means that his main special abilities are not focused on classic combat, but has other special features and abilities that interact with enemies in various ways to defeat them rather than the basic melee attack. 


 We...we're sold..iers...We take pride in...our service...


YoRHa 9S General Information NieR Automata

  • He is the male protagonist of Route B.
  • Member of YoRHa - the automated infantry squad. The S-type model specializes in scanning and investigative purposes.
  • Begins the game wielding the Cruel Oath short sword.
  • Programmed with an emotional but kind personality
  • He also goes by the nickname "Nines".
  • Because he is an S-type Model, his abilities excel in hacking rather than conventional attacks. 
  • Unlike 2B and A2, 9S does not have a dedicated heavy attack button. He can perform them, but it requires you to delay the second hit of a light attack. You can also perform them by pressing R2 without any directional input and then attacking.
  • The Forest Colosseum from DLC 3C3C1D119440927 allows 9S to fight in arena battles using remote-controlled machines. Hack into different types of enemies to gain access to their bodies in the arena.
  • Height: 160 cm (with boots), Weight: 129.9 kg. His three sizes are B:61cm W: 53cm H:73 cm. (Taken from the Official Nier Automata World Guide).


YoRHa 9S Lore & Trivia Notes NieR Automata

  • Instead of a pat on the head, 9S will do a fist bump with Pod 153 if you rub the touch pad.
  • Like 2B and A2, part of 9S's clothing will be destroyed after you initiate self-destruct (mostly his pants). 
  • The secret trophy: Not That I Mind... is unlocked by playing 1 hour as 9S without his pants. 
  • Unlike A2 and 2B, 9S is limited in close combat due to his Hacking ability. Though ironically, 9S might easily outdamage A2 and 2B due to his targets being subjugated or detonated after a successful hack.
  • 9S does not hold his weapons but chooses to move them by levitation. This can result wide but slow attacks and occasional misses on smaller enemies.
  • 9S is not the only YoRHa Scanner model seen in game, although they seem to be in the minority of YoRHa androids. 4S in the side quest: Reconnaissance Squad, and two nameless Scanner models are encountered (One in the Bunker maintenance shop, and the other in the side quest: Retrieve the Confidential Info). An 11S was also mentioned, during an audio transmission to 9S.
  • 9S's hacking ability persists after remote controlling a foe. Most enemies tend to be passive unless engaged by the player. Players can take advantage of this ability to decimate groups of enemies by hacking alone. 
  • In the TGS 2016 trailer, the characters of Nier Automata were showcased along with a word/emotion that represents them the most. 9S's was 孤独 (Solitude).
  • You can unlock the Young Man's Outfit for 9S by clearing arena battles in the Forest Colosseum from DLC 3C3C1D119440927. This is the outfit worn by young Nier from the Japanese version of the first game.
  • 9S faces demise during his ending sequence, within his rage he kills A2 however impaling himself with 2B's original sword.

YoRHa 9S Unit Data:

  • ! SPOILERS CAUTION !"This unit's official title is Model S, Number 9. While this YoRHa member possessed offensive abilities, he specialized skilled at information gathering and hacking. While 9S normally had a kind personality, he began to exhibit hatred for A2 when she killed 2B-for whom he possessed an unusually deep affection. In a cruel twist, he also met end at the hands of A2."


YoRHa 9S Combat NieR Automata

9S Basic Attacks NieR Automata

9S does not have heavy attacks or combination attack, but can instead Hack. Hack when you're close to an enemy to trigger a Bullet Hell mini game.If you manage to complete the mini game, the target will blow up, damaging nearby units. If you hacked an enemy that didn't notice you, you also get the option to convert or remote control the enemy.Tougher enemies require several button presses before they can be hacked, and they offer tougher mini games. Not all enemies can be insta-killed by Hacking them.Several Plug-in Chips offer effects that are specific to Hacking, and if you have an Auto-Heal Chip equipped, then you will likely be fully healed at the end of the Hack. Being defeated in the mini game costs about 25% of your health. You can be defeated by absorbing three separate hits or failing to kill the target within the time limit.

9S Combat Features NieR Automata

  • A lot of damage in Nier Automata is dealt by means of Pod Fire. Pod Fire comes in 3 types: Machine Gun - Laser - Homing Missiles, depending on the equipped Pod. You start out with Machine Gun. Machine Gun pellets are accurate but decrease in damage at long ranges. Using Lock-on helps with aiming but creates bullet spread.
  • Pod Programs are special abilities that require some time to recharge after being used. There are multiple programs that may be acquired, and you begin with "Laser".
  • Pressing L1 triggers a unique Pod Program. By holding L1 you can charge up the Pod Program. Acquiring additional Pods, increases the number of possible charges.  

9S Hacking Notes and Tips NieR: Automata

  • Hack enemies to detonate them in combat. Press Ps3 triangle buttonTriangle to start a hacking sequence. Enemies who does not notice you when you hack them can be subjugated or remote controlled (can only do this for one enemy at a time). Adding Hijack Boost chips will increase the level of remote-controlled enemies (max. +9). Super strong enemies like bosses/mini bosses will not be instantly killed by a successful Hack but will explode for very sizeable damage; some enemies with massive health like the Golden robots who could take several minutes of hammering with normal weapons could be killed by 3 or 4 successful hacks. Some bosses are also immune to hacking. The difficulty of the hacking minigame you get is based more on the type of enemy than their level or if they are a boss; a normal, plain Goliath biped from when they first start appearing on the map has a much harder minigame than the completely tripped out small stubby type Vengeful Child that has massive health, incredible speed and elaborate aerial power-dives; her hacking minigame is still the most basic type given she's based off of the most basic bot type.
  • When you are in control of  a hacked enemy, other machines will not notice you unless you attack them. You also lose access to your POD and the main system menus (one of the most important aspects of this being the main map and Waypoint system), but you do still have the Minimap on the main interface.
  • Taking control of an enemy gives you access to at least some of their moves, which can be interesting to experiment with. You don't have your POD but both the POD weapon and special weapon buttons will trigger attacks from the enemy being controlled, as well as the Melee attack button. NOTE, you cannot fully fly if you manage to take control of the Small or Medium flyers; the Jump button makes them slowly hover upward but it has a max height limit only slightly higher than an Android's double jump, at which point it will just drop down at full speed and can't be repeated in midair. You can still move during this hover-jump allowing for decent range glides.
  • When you subjugate/are in control of a hacked enemy press L3+R3 to detonate them.
  • Hacking also grant 9S the ability to open special chests and certain doors.
  • Pod cooldown will still be running even while you are hacking, allowing 9S to be more aggressive with Pod Programs.

NieR: Automata 9S Hacking Tips and Tricks 

One of the trickiest-and potentially very satisfying-enemies to take control of is a Linked-Sphere type. However, given that they aggro against you from quite a sizeable range not allowing a direct un-detected hack and various other issues, to get one you'll need to follow a very specific sequence and plan out what you intend to do with it afterwards, to not waste it.

  • Before any hacking, find a Linked Sphere type somewhere without aggroing it and mark a Waypoint on where it is. Once part of the City Center collapses there are usually some around there.
  • Set 2B to Passive mode so she doesn't shoot anything early and aggro them.
  • Take control of anything you can, even one of the super slow Goliaths, by the time Linked Spheres regularly show up the enemy bots are more aggressive and aggro from a further distance.
  • With the hacked unit and 2B on Passive mode you'll be able to move right past any bot without a reaction. You can safely body-switch to another faster unit without aggroing the units around it, so don't be afraid to hop into something a bit faster before attempting the Linked Sphere
  • Go back to your set waypoint on the Minimap and hack the Linked Sphere.

Once you have control of a Linked Sphere, you may find you greatly appreciate its movement. Even though it still can't fully fly, it can still do very long-range "jumps" of a sort. The Dash button gets it instantly moving forward at roughly the same speed as an Android at max sprint (with the blurs showing behind them), and it can do this in mid air (as well as change direction). Combined with its slow "jump" this can allow for very long-range glides, and can get you access to areas you would normally have great difficulty reaching. You are still able to pick up loot, open standard boxes and even interact with NPCs while you're in a hacked body; you may find some quests like the Speed Race stages easier with it. The other flyers can't move like this; the Dash button does a short range backwards dodge move instead so they can't even glide-jump as far as what your Android can do.

Another very interesting one to control is the Reverse-Jointed Goliath. It also aggros from a long range so you'll have to use the same body-hopping process as you would for a Linked Sphere to get it. In a player's hands they have VERY serious firepower, with both rapid-fire dual shotgun blasts of shells and a powerful double beam sweep attack.


YoRHa 9S Gameplay NieR Automata

9S is the main character featured in Route B. This requires players to first get through the 10 chapters from Route A with YoRHa 2B featuring her perspective of the occurring events. Once Route B begins, players will find a similar sequence in events as seen in the perspective of YoRHa 9S instead. The story concludes once you reach the final playthroughs with YoRHa A2. Playing with the different perspectives will allow you to explore each Playable Character's different abilities. 


Route B 9S NieR Automata

We first see 9S in Route B when he is tasked to Disable the enemy's defense systems as the YoRHa troops commence their descent as informed by Operator 210. The sequence in events here will feature the same ones featured in Route with 2B, however this time it is played in the perspective of 9S. This also changes the direction of the cutscenes during this playthrough. 

As 9S progresses through his first objective, players will also get to see his first encounter with 2B. As he converses with her, she reminds him that emotions are prohibited. Players can continue through this route and eventually they will be forced to request the destruction of enemy hostiles via black-box reaction. 

This will result in a reboot and they will both end up back in their rooms. 9S will assist 2B with her boot sequence and will go through some basic in-game settings with the player. Once you are released you will have a set of objectives that will take you through the route much like Route A is played. 


Route B 9S Endings: Or not to [B]e NieR Automata

Ending B: Or not to [B]e

ending b nier automata wiki guide 300 px min min


Conditions and Walkthrough

  • In order to achieve this ending load the cleared save from beating the game once and earning Ending A.
  • Play through the game again and complete all of the Main Story Quests to achieve this ending.

Spoilers: As you approach the end of Route B, you are reintroduced to the large Machines until 9S gains access to a memory storage and discovers something about the machines. From 9S's perspective you will hack further into some protected files including files from the moon server and some mysterious shipping documents. 9S will continue to dive into the servers until you he interrupted with a sound and 9S chooses to activate his body. 

9S will be able to run into the commander and she will address the data about the installation of the Council of Humanity. These are the events leading up to the final battles of Route B which will result in 9S's file corruption when Eve detached to the network.


Ending C: Meaningless [C]ode

ending c nier automata wiki guide 300 px min


Conditions and Walkthrough

  • Occurs at the end of Route C
  • Choose A2 when prompted during A2's encounter with 9S

Ending C: Meaningless [C]ode. A2 has a chance to be a part of both Route C and D. She comes to face 9S and attempts to tell him the full truth. As the ending is approached, you will be given another choice between 9S or A2 before a final battle begins. Choose A2 and continue the battle. This eventually allows A2 to enter and attempt to repair 9S's logic circuits. An alert will appear warning herof Severe cirus corruption and a low probability of successful deletion. Successful reaching the logic circuits will give you the ending C: Meaningless [C]ode. 


Ending D: Child[D]hood's end

ending d nier automata wiki guide 300 px min


Conditions and Walkthrough

  • Occurs at the end of Route C
  • Choose 9S when prompted during A2's encounter with 9S

Ending D can be achieved similarly by choosing the alternate option when A2 and 9S face each other during their final encounter. To achieve ending D, choose 9S instead of A2 when given the option. This is followed by a few glimpses of 9S's thoughts and memories and then a final cutscene leading you to ending D: child[D]hood's end.



9S Route B Dialogue 

"I find myself in a bizarre memory storage area stretching as far as I can see.

It's a maze.
A labyrinth.
A massive interconnected network.
I've never seen anything like it

It must have been created by the machines.

So then...what am I doing here?

I...am 9S.
That's all I can remember.

Large portions of my memory may have been destroyed...

What if I forget everything? My memories? My self? My...

Okay, calm down. Calm down, calm down, calm down.

Just follow the emergency manual and execute the memory recovery program.

The recovery program begins to fill in the blanks in my memory.
They drift back like missing letters filling out a word.

The Bunker...
2B's plan...
A colossal machine lifeform...
The last-resort missile strike...

Preservation mode was activated at the moment of the blast.
It halted most of the safeties the network had in place.


YoRHa 9S Gallery NieR Automata

9S Better Make Sure Front 9S Smile Abandoned Factory Front 2B 9S Automaton Combat Front 9S Red Eyes Terminus Front 9S Crucified Front


NieR: Automata All NPCs
22B  ♦  4S  ♦  64B  ♦  8B  ♦  Adam  ♦  Anemone  ♦  Animal-loving Machine  ♦  Apologetic Machine  ♦  Big Sister Machine  ♦  Child Machine  ♦  Commander  ♦  Devola  ♦  Devola & Popola  ♦  Devola Popola  ♦  Emil  ♦  Eve  ♦  Father Machine  ♦  Father Servo  ♦  Friend Machine  ♦  High-Speed Machine  ♦  Jackass  ♦  Jean-Paul  ♦  Juliet  ♦  Little Sister Machine  ♦  Machine in Love  ♦  Machine with a Dream  ♦  Machine with Makeup  ♦  Masamune  ♦  Master Swordsmith Masamune  ♦  Mother Machine  ♦  Operator 210  ♦  Operator 21O  ♦  Operator 60  ♦  Operator 6O  ♦  Pascal  ♦  Pod 042  ♦  Pod 153  ♦  Popola  ♦  Red Girl  ♦  Romeo  ♦  Sartre  ♦  Scientist Machine  ♦  Weird Machine  ♦  Yorha 2B  ♦  Yorha A2  ♦  YoRHa: Gunner 16


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    • Anonymous

      how did A2 even stand a chance against this guy? They made hacking a god power. 9s can kill what " combat" unit 2b does in 1/10 the time since the hacking minigame is a time freeze/ happens super fast. For an old model tht is a berserker( sacrifice def for att) a2 seem to have strong resistance to hacking, while the supposedly more advanced 2b is easily a victim to Simones hacking.

      • Anonymous

        Kind of poetic really, he finally gets what he sees as revenge for 2B's death in his ending, only to die on 2B's sword... After forgetting the amount of times she's been forced to kill him in the past..

        • Anonymous

          Weird that 9S's word/emotion that represented him is "solitude" and A2's is "revenge"
          I'd think it'd have been the opposite

          • Actually, 9S is an interesting character, at least plot-wise:
            The fact that the emotion assigned to him is "Solitude" could be explained by a theory that the more knowledge you posses, the more you feel isolated because of the lack of a possibility to share and discuss said knowledge with someone else (in this case because it's confidential data). It drove him insane because of the knowledge he learned despite what he was designed for. The more delicate data he discovered (like the thing with 2B being 2E, E standing for Execute (play the game to understand it)), the more his mental state degraded.
            It's a well thought and well conceived metaphor for real life and that's why 9S, despite being a bit boring with the hacking mini-games repetition, is one of the more fascinating characters in the game.

            • Anonymous

              He becomes rather crazy when you understand how good his spear throw is, and that his hacking allows pod program cooldown to continue running, effectively making him an infinite pod program spam machine. I'd say a well-made crit build 9S with spear of the usurper is only rivalled by berserk mode A2, and both of them leave 2B far behind in terms of power.

              • Anonymous

                Hacking without alerting enemies, red eyes, will open up 3 options: detonate, subjugate, remote control. Using remote control will disguise the player allowing to chain hack groups of enemies.

                • Anonymous

                  If you start a hack then do a perfect evade, the hack's progress bar will increase considerably. Just for those guys that you cant hack in one press.

                  • Anonymous

                    seriously, playing 9S is nothing but a pain in the arse. his close combat skills are so lame and weak that it's rediculously dumb to even try to kill something with normal weapons. on the other hand, his hacking damage is so insane that you don't even want to use normal weapons. but honestly this is absolutely gamebreaking and lame. all this switching back and forth from normal game to this dumb hacking minigame gave me brain cancer, and the worst part is that you're forced to just hack and cheese through more than half of the game with this guy.. in the end i just equipped him for maximum mobility and avoided as many fights as possible so i just checked the map and stocked up on ressources with auto loot and loot scanner chips in hopes i'd get to play other characters more soon. sadly this didn't happen. A2's and 2B's playtime was way too short. but hey at least the plot was good..

                    • Anonymous

                      Am I to assume that all Type S models are support models? If so, then what would be Type A and Type B labeled as? (Via. A2 and 2B). All I know is A2 is a wanted unit that severed her link to the bunker. This would make sense if it was like a form of rank.

                      If anyone has any info related to this, feel free to let me know. Thank you!

                      • Anonymous

                        The "doesn't have heavy attacks" bit is incorrect. He can perform them but it requires you to delay the second hit. You can also perform them by pressing R2 without any directional input and then attacking. It'd be more correct to say, "9S has no dedicated heavy attack button."

                        • Anonymous

                          By doing attacks after dash(Not run) or stopping a bit after normal combo and then contiuing it, 9S can do heavy combo. You can confirm it by looking at the number of attacks.

                          • Anonymous

                            •"9S is the not only YoRHa Scanner model seen in game" Jesus who wrote this failure of a sentence. "It should be 9S is not the only YoRHa Scanner seen in game".

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